#0043 | AKM Sarwar Jahan Badsha

Reported By: Bangladesh  Location: Bangladesh

AKM Sarwar Jahan Badsha, the Member of Parliament for the Kushtia-1 constituency, has seen a significant increase in his wealth over the past five years. Key details include:

1. Annual Income Growth: Badsha’s annual income has risen from Tk3 lakh to Tk70 lakh over the last five years.

2. Wife’s Wealth Increase: His wife’s wealth has also grown dramatically, from Tk2.4 lakh five years ago to Tk2.12 crore currently.

3. Asset Increase: Badsha’s movable and immovable assets have increased 27 times, now valued at Tk3.69 crore.

4. Sources of Income: His income is primarily generated from various sectors including business, legal profession, allowance, agriculture, and other sources.

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